A | ||
Abses |
= |
Absces |
Akromegali |
= |
Acromegaly |
Alopesia |
= |
Alopecia |
Angin ahmar | = | Stroke |
Angin pasang | = | Inguinal hernia |
Antihistamin |
= |
Antihistamines |
Antibodi sitoplasmik
antineutrofil |
= |
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
antibody (ANCA) |
Anti-membran dasar
glomerulus |
= |
Anti-glomerular basement
membrane (anti-GBM) |
Antimurung |
= |
Antidepressants |
Asites |
= |
Ascites |
B | ||
Balik mata | = | Dizziness |
Barah | = | Tumour; Cancer |
Batu ginjal | = | Gallstone |
Batu hempedu | = | Gallstone |
Batu karang | = | Renal stone; Urolithiasis |
Batuk |
= |
Cough |
Batuk berdarah | = | Haemoptysis |
Batuk kering | = | Tuberculosis (TB) |
Batuk kokol | = | Whopping cough; Pertussis |
Beguk | = | Mumps |
Bengkak cantik | = | Mumps |
Berdengkur |
= |
Snoring |
Bersin |
= |
Sneezing |
Bisul | = | Boil; Fruncle; Carbuncle |
Buasir | = | Haemorrhoid |
Buah pinggang |
= |
Kidneys |
Busung | = | Ascites |
Berpeluh tapak tangan/ kaki | = | Hyperhydrosis |
C | ||
Cacar | = | VZV infection |
Cerah perut | = | Diarrhoea |
Cirit-birit | = | Diarrhoea |
D | ||
Darah tinggi | = | Hypertension |
Demam |
= |
Fever; Flu |
Demam campak | = | Measles; Chicken pox |
Demam kepialu | = | Typhoid fever |
Demam kuning | = | Jaundice |
Demam kura-kura | = | Malaria |
Diabetes |
= |
Diabetes |
Diuretik |
= |
Diuretic |
E | ||
Ekzema |
= |
Eczema |
Elektrolit |
= |
Electrolyte |
Endokrin |
= |
Endocrine |
multiforme |
= |
Erythema multiforme |
nodosum |
= |
Erythema nodosum |
F | ||
Fotofobia |
= |
Photophobia |
G | ||
Gatal |
= |
Pruritus |
Gejala | = | Symptoms |
Ghiso | = | Mobile swelling (Cysts, Lipoma, etc) |
Gila meroyan | = | Post natal depression |
Gelug Henle |
= |
Loop of Henle |
Glomerulonefritis |
= |
Glomerulonephritis |
H | ||
Hempedu | = | Bile; Biliary |
Herniasi otak |
= |
Brain herniation |
Hiperpigmentasi | = | Hyperpigmentation |
Hipertrikosis |
= |
Hypertrichosis |
Hipoperfusi |
= |
Hypoperfusion |
Hipopigmentasi | = | Hypopigmentation |
Hirsutism |
= |
Hirsutism |
Homeostasis |
= |
Ciri sistem biologi untuk melawan perubahan dan mengekalkan
kestabilan dalam keadaan kesimbangan bagi sesuatu organisma. |
I | ||
Intratekal |
= |
Intrathecal |
J | ||
Jantung berlubang | = | Congenital heart defect (septal defect) |
Jari Belantan | = | Clubbing |
K | ||
penglihatan |
= |
Blur vision |
Kadar saring
glomerulus |
= |
Glomerular filtration rate |
Kancing gigi | = | Tetanus |
Kardiomiopati |
= |
Cardiomyopathy |
Katarak | = | Cataract |
Kayap | = | Shingles |
Kebas | = | Numbness |
Kejang | = | Cramps |
Kejutan |
= |
Shock |
Kekoh di hatu | = | Bruises |
Kekura kaki | = | Dorsal part of foot; Metatarsus |
Kelaran |
= |
Dissection |
Kelenjar | = | Gland |
Kembung perut | = | Flatus |
Kenaling | = | Palpitations; Tachycardia |
Kencing berdarah | = | Haematuria |
Kencing manis | = | Diabetes |
Ketuat | = | Warts |
Keturunan |
= |
Hereditary |
mensklerosis |
= |
Sclerosis cholangitis |
Kolorektum |
= |
Colorectal |
Kretinina |
= |
Creatinine |
Kudis | = | Crust |
Kudis tekanan |
= |
Pressure sores |
Kuku berlekuk |
= |
Pitting nails |
Kumuh |
= |
Excrete |
Kurap | = | Tinea |
Kusta | = | Leprosy |
Kutil | = | Corn |
L | ||
Lecur |
= |
Blisters |
Lelah | = | Asthma |
Lemah jantung | = | Heart failure |
Lenguh badan | = | Lethargic; Malaise; Hypotony |
Lentur |
= |
Flexural |
Lepuh |
= |
Blisters |
Lesi |
= |
Lesions |
Limfoma |
= |
Lymphoma |
M | ||
Membran dasar |
= |
Basement membrane |
Memulas | = | Colicky pain |
mata |
= |
Red eyes |
Mieloma |
= |
Myeloma |
N | ||
Neurologi |
= |
Neurology |
Nyanyuk | = | Dementia |
O | ||
Otot lembut |
= |
Smooth muscle |
P | ||
Palpitasi |
= |
Palpitation |
Panau | = | Pityriasis versicolor |
Papul |
= |
Papules |
Paru-paru | = | Lungs |
Paru-paru berair | = | Pneumonia |
Pembuluh darah | = | Blood vessel |
Pembersihan |
= |
Clearance |
atrium |
= |
Aftrial fibrillation |
Pemindahan |
= |
Transplantation |
Pempigmenan | = | Pigmentation |
Pengsan | = | Loss of consciousness |
Pening | = | Headache |
Penutupan |
= |
Occlusion |
Crohn |
= |
Crohn's disease |
Penyakit kencing tikus | = | Leptospirosis |
Penyekatan |
= |
Obstructive |
Penyerapan semula |
= |
Reabsorption |
Perikarditis |
= |
Pericarditis |
Persamaan |
= |
Equation |
Perolehan |
= |
Acquired |
gangrenosum |
= |
Pyoderma gangrenosum |
Pitam | = | Lightheadedness; Dizziness |
Psoriasis guta |
= |
Guttate psoriasis |
Pundi hempedu |
= |
Gallbladder |
lumbar |
= |
Lumbar puncture |
trombocitopenik trombotik |
= |
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura |
Q | ||
R | ||
Rabun | = | Blurry vision |
Rabun dekat | = | Hyperopia |
Rabun jauh | = | Myopia |
Rabun silau | = | Astigmatism |
Rabun tua | = | Presbyopia |
Rawan | = | Cartilage |
Resdung | = | Sinusitis |
Rintangan darah otak |
= |
Blood brain barrier |
Ritma diurnal |
= |
Diurnal rhythm |
Ruam |
= |
Rash |
S | ||
Sakit | = | Pain |
Sakit dada | = | Chest pain; Angina pectoris |
mata |
= |
Sore eyes |
Sakit perut | = | Abdominal pain |
Sakit sendi | = | Arthritis |
Saluran |
= |
Tract |
Sawan | = | Seizure; Epilepsy |
Sekok | = | Flatus |
Selaput dalam mata | = | Cataract |
Selaput dara | = | Hymen |
Selesema | = | Influenza; Flu; Common cold |
Sembelit | = | Constipation |
Semut-semut | = | Paraesthesia |
Sengbak | = | Leg swelling |
Senok | = | Colicky pain |
nafas |
= |
Dyspnoea |
karsinoid |
= |
Carcinoid syndrome |
Sindrom kulit lecur |
= |
Scalded skin syndrome |
Sirosis |
= |
Cirrhosis |
Sirrosis biliari primer |
= |
Primary biliary sirosis |
Skleroderma |
= |
Scleroderma |
Sumsum tulang | = | Bone marrow |
T | ||
Tarik mengkarung | = | Cramps |
berdesing |
= |
Tinnitus |
Terseliuh | = | Sprain (joint); Strain (muscle) |
Tulang belikat | = | Scapula |
Tulang penampar nyamuk | = | Scapula |
Tulang rusuk | = | Ribs |
U | ||
Ulu hati | = | Heart burn |
Uluran | = | Inguinal hernia |
Untut | = | Elephantiasis |
Urat | = | Nerves; Vessels |
Urat |
= |
Urate |
V | ||
W | ||
X | ||
Y | ||
Z | ||
Kamus Perubatan Bahasa Melayu
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