
Klinik Kesihatan Tanjung Rambutan

Klinik Kesihatan Tanjung Rambutan
Jalan Tambun, Tanjung Rambutan
31250 Tanjung Rambutan

Telefon: 05-5331355

1 comment:

  1. Today I'm bring my mother to your clinic to do a blood test. After that,I go to the counter to ask the nurse,can I change the date for the next follow-up by doctor,the original date is 17/5/22,I want change to 10/5/22. There are two nurse there,have one nurse say date of 10/5/22 is public holidays no open, I have request 11 and 12/5/22 also but the nurse perfunctory me just say NO NO NO!
    Please feel free to contact me,give me know 10,11,12/5/22 what public holidays for the days?
    0165214503 Mrs.Chew


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